In a bid to introduce contemporary agriculture – Horticulture, Dairy Farming, Food processing technologies etc , along with their best practices that can inevitably help countless farmers and platform owners, ICFA is fully geared up to floor their next edition of IATF 2018.IATF will be an eye opener for the growers, wholesalers, importers, exporters and all other stakeholders of every segment of Agriculture and Farm Machinery, Equipment and allied sectors who want to expand and diversify their business and activities. On the theme of - Building Global Competitiveness, the event will showcase the best and latest in Indian Agriculture and Allied Sectors produced, manufactured and practiced in India and abroad, making it a significant platform for business partnerships worldwide. The platform will be an outstanding opportunity where local, regional and international investors can engage and evaluate promising investment opportunities. Three days fair would bring together local, regional and international livestock breeders, extensive livestock keepers, processors, marketers, industry regulators, policy makers, Business Development Services providers, researchers, academia, farmers, NGOs, input suppliers, development sector, media, machinery suppliers, financiers, insurers, Indian & foreign companies related to Agriculture& Allied Sectors.