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ICFA Business Platforms

Those who are willing to get associated with any of the Platforms mentioned below may please write to us at or fill the below form.

Knowledge is doubling almost every five years, which means whatever knowledge has been generated during the past 10,000 years is being generated every five years. India possesses a tremendous amount of experience in agriculture and the food value chain, with a large number of individuals, institutions, state agencies, and industries contributing their parts to the growth journey. However, there is a lack of convergence among these bodies, leading to scattered efforts, duplication, and sometimes repetition of what has already been done successfully elsewhere. There is also a need to understand global trends and emerging scenarios for futuristic research, global experience sharing, and a forward agenda. This is possible only with a shared vision and collective efforts through a common platform for knowledge transformation in agriculture towards empowering farmers. With this vision, ICFA has created the Agriculture Knowledge Transformation Platform, bringing key individuals and institutions together to develop a vision and agenda and create programs for transformational work in the agriculture sector.

AGROCERT is an inspection and certification division of the Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture (ICFA), New Delhi. AGROCERT is approved by the Quality Council of India (QCI) for its India Good Agriculture Practices (INDGAP) Certification Scheme in conformity with ISO/IEC 17065:2012. The fundamental objective of laying down the criteria is to strengthen Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) in the country. We provide third-party Certification to farmers, farm entrepreneurs, and producer groups in the Agriculture and horticulture sectors who will be maintaining their field operations and activities in accordance with the Good Agriculture Practices certification scheme. With a team of experienced professionals from the field of agriculture and allied sectors, AGROCERT has an edge over others in providing quality and timely delivery of certification services to producers at a very reasonable cost. In addition, the organization also aims to improve the yield and quality of the farm produce, guarantee safe and quality products to consumers through certification, minimize threats to human health and the environment, and provide more remunerative returns to the farmers.

Nutrition is the science of food and a nutritious diet not only helps in keeping us healthy but also puts life style disorders at bay. Improving good eating habits in all age groups is of utmost importance and the earlier it sets in our eating habits, the better we are in combating disorders like malnutrition, anemia, thyroid deficiencies etc. It is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and child birth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (NCD) like hyper-tension, diabetes, cancer etc. Ironically nutrition is a double-edged sword and the excess of it leads to obesity and over-weight issues which is a common risk factor in NCDs. Many programs have been taken by the government to address the burden of malnutrition in India. Mid-day meals in school, Integrated Child development services, National Iodine deficiency Disorders control program are to name a few.

Our goal is to publish research on new and emerging ideas, concepts for providing future road-maps to promote agricultural research in domestic and global arena. We focus on covering broad field of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Farm Management & Engineering, Agri start-ups thus providing the interface between agriculture and agro-industry. We provide a forum for Agricultural Scientists to deliberate on important issues of agricultural research and education and present views of the scientific community as inputs to policy planners and decision makers at various levels thus acting as a catalyst in promoting rational agricultural growth and development.

We work with enterprises that are revolutionizing Indian agriculture with technological innovations, making farming more sustainable and profitable for farmers. The objective is to serve as a platform for Indian agritech ecosystem helping startups develop solutions for the Indian and global agriculture industries. We understand that the ability to manage the long and complicated agricultural supply chain in India with the right technological interventions will be the key to the success of start-ups and have thus been bringing in all key stake-holders together to discuss, share and network with one another for best synergies.

Marketing infrastructure plays a pivotal role in fostering and sustaining the momentum of agricultural economic development. Marketing is as crucial a component to agriculture as farming itself. Our vision is to ensure fair price to the farming community who are sometimes left behind in the competitive marketing scenario and the mission of achieving this is by devising and implementing new technologies aimed at reducing pre and post-harvest losses through appropriate methods, increasing transparency, stream-lining procedures and eliminating bottlenecks.

India’s support of its agriculture sector has effectively put India as an important player on the global stage. It has emerged as both an enormous market for agri-food products as well as a formidable competitor. Opportunities for trade and investment could further increase dramatically if India’s economy continues to grow and more open trade policies and forward looking agricultural policies are adopted. We provide a unique platform for the farming community, technological bodies, think tanks, start-up entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and policy makers to connect, discuss and network on upcoming policies and schemes.

India is predominantly an agrarian economy with 55% population driving its livelihood from agriculture. The agricultural sector is the one that needs constant investment of hard work and innovation. In this context, ICFA has convened 1st All India Agri Startups Conclave 2018 with the aim to bring all the startups in food and agri space on single platform for sharing of success stories and exploring business and marketing linkages, technology and financial tie-ups and partnership opportunities. As part of our vision to play a key role in the world of Agri Entrepreneurship, we have already launched a Working Group on Agri Startups at the national level. The primary objective of this working group is to take this Startup initiative to the next level and helping the startups address their challenges. This will be ably supported by ICFA as a Facilitation center and a platform provider with a support systems and initial hand holding across the lifecycle of the startup.

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